Friday, November 14, 2014

Holiday Pep-talk: Why You Should Workout Through the Holidays.

"I'm just going to wait until after Thanksgiving to start" or "I'll just start after the New Year."

All I hear is "let me gain another 10 pounds before I start working out."  Yes!  Genius!  How about "let me spend another $1000 I don't have before I start saving"?

I've heard this literally hundreds of times.  People putting off getting in shape just one more week, then it's a month, then they never even start.  All of a sudden, you're pushing 40, your back hurts, you get winded walking up a flight of stairs, then your knees hurt, and now you have yet another excuse.  Psst, just a head's up, your knees and back hurt because you haven't used those muscles in so long that they have suffered atrophy.  Work them out, they will get stronger and the pain will go away.  I know, shocker right?

The longer you wait, the further you push back your accomplishments.  So many people get stuck in a vicious cycle of starting to workout, make some progress, then quit. Now, they have to start all over again.  If you start and miss a week, who cares!  Get back in there the next week.  The longer you wait, the harder it's going to be to start up again.

I have always said workout even harder during the holidays.  It's the perfect time to start if you haven't been doing anything.  There's going to be candy out, lots of food, a huge turkey with mounds of mashed potatoes, and another 1000 calories to come after that.  You need to keep that metabolism revved up and burn off some of those extra calories.  I like to earn my Thanksgiving meal, I crush myself in the gym that day or the day before.  And the day after for that matter.  Staying on top of something is the best way to maintain it.  Don't skip a beat, even if it is the Holidays.

Waiting to start working out or beginning any kind of fitness endeavor is just plain dumb.

You know that saying "today is first day of the rest of your life"?   Well, apply that to your health.  Why wait?  Anything you say right now is just an excuse.  Don't believe me?  Watch this:

Excuse: I don't have any money.
Answer: It's free to do pushups, sit-ups, and squats at home.  And last I checked, it didn't cost anything to run on the sidewalk.  Can't run?  Then walk!  I know you can do that.

Excuse: I don't have any time.
Answer: Bullsh#t! Did you watch TV today?  Did you sit at the computer, watching stupid kitten videos on Facebook?  That is time you could have stood up and done squats and watched it.  That sounds crazy?  I sound like a fitness nut?  You will realize I'm right when you're 42 years old and feel like shit and your doctor tells you that you need to lose 30 pounds or you're going to have a ton of health problems.

Excuse: I'm tired after work.
Answer: Start working out and you'll have more energy.  You'll sleep better, you'll feel better, and soon you'll be dying to get to the gym after work.  No, I'm not joking.

Bottom line is keep working out. If you feel unhealthy and out of shape, get off your butt and go to the gym.  I don't care if the Holidays are coming up.  Stay active.  Be Healthy.  And START TODAY!

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

What is the Best Way to Workout? Functional Training? BodyBuilding? HIIT?

I get asked this question very often and my response is always the same.

"What is your fitness level?"

If you are just starting out, don't overthink it!  If you are just getting in the gym, just do SOMETHING.  Don't analyze workout programs, instead, pick up a weight, go for a run, do some pushups, just do something.  Don't just sit on your butt trying to figure which new, trendy workout program holds the secret to a huge chest and six pack abs.  Just get in their, break a sweat, start getting some experience and the pieces will start to fall into place.

I started out in the garage with my dad's weight set.  Do you think I knew what I was doing?  Nope.  I did however get stronger, my muscles got bigger, and my confidence grew.

Now if you've been in the gym for a while, yeah, start looking at different kinds of training.

My best advice, do ALL OF THEM.  My philosophy is be good at everything in the gym.  Work on your strength, your endurance, your core, balance, plyometrics, etc.  Why not be good at all of them?  Want to lift heavy weights and body build?  Go for it.  Want to work on your balance, do some functional training.

People will tell you that some programs are better than others and everyone is titled to their own opinion.  But truth is they are just that, opinions.  Every few years, history repeats itself.  I see stuff getting popular again that was deemed dangerous years ago.  For example, clean and jerk.  I will say this, if you are new to working out, this exercise is probably isn't for you.

Truth be told, all these trainers and fitness gurus aren't God, they don't really know.  They will tell you what the latest trends are, their thoughts, the latest study, etc.

Do what works for YOU.  If you do a fitness class and you lose 10% body fat and your arms tone up and look great, then do that!

If you do a workout program, get hurt and see no results then obviously that's not the one for you.

What are all the ways to workout you ask?  Well, if you have to label them...
General fitness- this is the beginner to average gym goer.  Just learning to lift weights.  You will progress quickly here.
Bodybuilding - you've been working out for a while and now you are trying to work on specific things, i.e. getting your legs bigger or wider shoulders.
Functional training - this is where you are supposed to apply your workouts to things you do in everyday life.
Sports' Specific training - this is where you train to get better at certain things to help you perform better in sports.
HIIT (High Intensity Intervel Training)- here you do a bunch of different exercises in a circuit, keeping your heart rate up while improving strength and endurance.  Ideal for getting leaner.

Trainer Scott Personal Training
609 E Speer Blvd
Denver, CO 80203
303 601-5851
Trainer Scott -

Monday, November 3, 2014

Nervous to Take That Fitness Class?

Ok, you want to get in shape.  You saw a killer deal for a month of a certain fitness class.  Your friends and coworkers are all doing it.  But you are super nervous about joining.  What are you so afraid of?  Looking out of shape?  Being embarrassed because you can't keep up?  Hey proud one, check your ego at the door.  Most people have been there.  

Okay, let's cut to the chase.  The reality is that it's going to be difficult.  But I can almost guarantee 100% that it won't be as bad as you think.  The first day will be rough.  You are going to be sore.  Just think of it in a positive light, you are on your way to greater things.  And it will definitely get easier.  They soreness will decrease.  Your strength and endurance will start to improve.  You'll start sleeping better.  You'll have more energy.  You'll start looking better and your confidence will start to grow.  

I have taught thousands of fitness classes over the past ten years and the people who come in super nervous even telling me how terrified they are, usually leave a smile on their face.  For starters, they are glad that it's over and two, it wasn't as bad as they thought.  They were pushed beyond their limits, they were exhausted, but they got through it.  They feel good now.  The endorphins are coursing through their veins, the stagnation in their bodies broken up, and they overcame something that they saw as a challenge.  

Your mindset entering a class should be a very realistic one.  Are you going to perfect the class the first day?  Nope.  You don't have to compete with anyone, it's not a race.  Try your best.  And whatever you do, do NOT get discouraged.  Put forth YOUR max effort.  First day, you may get one or two pushups, next week five, but in a month or so, you'll be knocking out a dozen plus.  Stick with it, it gets easier.  I promise.

Now, which class is right for you?  You may have to try a few out until you find one that you really enjoy.  Yes, I said enjoy.  A great instructor, good people in the class, a welcoming environment, are all important to make sure you keep coming back to get in shape and improve your health.  

In conclusion, it's going to be hard yet so rewarding.  But anyone can do it.  Persevere, try your best, go home, rest and recover and then come back for more punishment.  Tell yourself that you're going to commit for twelve weeks and then look at how much better you're doing.  Good luck.

And sometimes the hardest part of a fitness class is finding a parking spot.

What's the Real Secret to Getting in Shape

Getting in Shape?  What does that even mean?  You want to change the shape of your body?  In a sense that's true if you want to lose body fat.  You will be less round and smaller.

Okay, here's the secret...are you ready?  It's hard work.  Ew!  Oh you thought it was going to be something along the lines of take a spoonful or black pepper before bedtime or something.  Nope.  Sorry.  It's hard work.  Well, don't let that comment discourage you.  It's work.  Doesn't have to be super hard, especially in the beginning.  It's a progression.  Then it's maintaining it.  Being disciplined.  It's gets easier the longer you do it.  It's getting started and learning the basics that can be a pain in the buttocks. 

Sounds like a fluff doesn't it?  Like all the covers of every fitness magazine you've ever seen?  Very vague.  "Get in shape with only 30 minutes a week!" "How to get sculpted abs with this one food!"  Stuff like that.  Sound familiar?

What does hard work mean?  It means this; setting a goal, making a plan of action, then actually doing it!  And sticking to it.  

Was that more fluff?  Let's break it down even further shall we?  

Your goal should be something like "I want to lose 20 pounds."

Your plan of action should be "I need a gym membership or join a fitness class."

Your next step, yes, we got here that quickly because it is actually that simple, is showing up.  Go to the gym, go to that class, and workout.  

If you don't know where to start or you're hesitant, check out my article on starting a workout program here 

Have you ever heard the phrase, "sometimes all you gotta do is show up?"  

Well, apply that to the gym.  Show up.  Work out.  Burn those calories.  Sweat profusely.  Be sore.!!!  There it is.  That's what getting in shape is all about.  Improve your health, have great cardiovascular conditioning, run up a flight of stairs without feeling like you're going to pass out, and look and feel better.  Complement that with a healthy diet, the sky is the limit.  

You don't have to be a meathead bodybuilder to just go to the gym and have a healthy lifestyle and stay in shape.  Now go workout!